
Industry news


Electrician knowledge sharing how intelligent motor protector work

Intelligent motor protector is composed of a three-phase current transformer, detection, amplification, delay, adjustment circuit, and executive relay. When the detection circuit detects that the current of the current transformer is out of phase or greater than the set value, it will be amplified by the amplifier.

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Circuit board relay manufacturer tells you the precautions for selecting relays

Circuit board relay manufacturers tell you where circuit board relays are generally used? Precautions for selecting relays, How to detect whether the relay is good or bad? Consumer electronic equipment, industrial machinery, control panels, medical and scientific equipment, communication equipment, and transportation. Consumer devices, from cell phones to ovens and stoves, include relays as part of their control circuits.

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【Increase knowledge】The purpose of different relays

What is the different relay uses? Let us introduce them separately below.Electromagnetic relay:An electrical relay works by using the suction force generated between the electromagnet core and the armature by the circuit in the input circuit.

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The working principle of thermal relay

Click volume:1218Add time:2021-04-22

Thermal relays are protective electrical appliances used for overload protection of motors or other electrical equipment and electrical circuits.


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